
Manhattan Beach USD
June 03, 2015 6:30PM
Board Room 325 S. Peck Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

1.A. Recess to Closed Session - 5:00 PM
1.A.a. Persons wishing to address the Board of Trustees regarding an item scheduled for closed session must submit the "Comment Card" prior to the start of closed session.
1.B. Reconvene Open Session
1.C. Report from Closed Session
1.D. Pledge of Allegiance
1.E. Approval of Agenda
2.A. Recognition of the Manhattan Beach Unified School District Site Teachers of the Year and Announcement of the District Teacher of the Year
The following school site Teachers of the Year will be recognized, and the Manhattan Beach Unified School District Teacher of the Year will be announced: 

David Barakat, Meadows Elementary, Fourth Grade Teacher 
Gelane Cameron, Pacific Elementary, First Grade Teacher 
Jessica Duenas, Manhattan Beach Preschool, Preschool Teacher 
Michael Hernandez, Mira Costa High School, Video Production and Broadcast Journalism Teacher 
Patti Ortega, Robinson Elementary, Kindergarten Teacher 
Marianne Slater, Grand View Elementary, Fourth Grade Teacher 
Michelle Syverson, Pennekamp Elementary, First Grade Teacher 
Barbara Umanoff, Manhattan Beach Middle School, Mathematics Teacher 
3.A. Facilities Master Plan
The Manhattan Beach Unified School District is currently working with DLR Group to develop a Facilities Master Plan (FMP). The resulting document will describe MBUSD's vision for its classrooms and buildings, defining our dreams and our needs, and guiding our planning and improvements for the future.  

Previously, a series of community outreach efforts have taken place, including site committee meetings, community forums, staff, student, and community surveys, a Board workshop, and the presentation of a draft master plan.  Through this process, a great deal of collaborative input has been provided, and plans have continued to evolve, particularly with regards to the master plans for Manhattan Beach Middle School and Grand View Elementary School.

Prior to the presentation of a final FMP document, revised plans will be presented for feedback and discussion.  The public is invited to comment on the plans for Manhattan Beach Middle School and Grand View Elementary School in particular or on any other aspect of the FMP so that this input can help to inform the final document as it is being developed.
Recommended Motion:
The Board and public are asked to provide feedback regarding the Facilities Master Plan
FMP Progress Report Presentation
4.A. Student Board Member Report
Miss Arvin's Report
Mr. Patel's Report
4.B. Public Comment
4.C. Board Member Announcements
5.A. Adopt Resolution 2015-10, Education Protection Account for Fiscal Year 2014-15.
Dr. Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard
Proposition 30 was approved by voters on November 6, 2012 and added Article XIII, Section 36 to the California Constitution, effective November 7, 2012. The provisions of Article XIII, Section 36(e) create in the state General Fund an "Education Protection Account" (EPA) to receive and disburse the revenues derived from the incremental increases in taxes imposed by Article XIII, Section 36(f). 

All of the funds in the EPA are continuously appropriated for the support of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools and community college districts. Funds deposited in the Education Protection Account shall not be used to pay any costs incurred by the Legislature, the Governor or any agency of state government, salaries or benefits for administrators or any other administrative cost. It is required that the Board of Trustees of each school District make spending determinations with respect to funds received from the EPA, in open session at a public meeting of the governing board, prior to the annual budget adoption. 

EPA funds for 2014-15 are anticipated to be $6,808,439.  The District plans to use these funds for classroom teachers' salaries and benefits.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution 2015-10, regarding the use of funds under the Education Protection Account (EPA) in accordance with Article XIII, Section 36 to the California Constitution. 

Resolution 2015-10 - Education Protection Account
6.A. Details on Budget Proposals for the 2015-16 Budget
Dr. Michael Matthews and Dr. Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard
In the discussion on the budget at the May 20, 2015 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees asked staff for additional information on several budget items contained in the MBEF grant, as well as other items.  In this item, staff will provide the Board with additional detail, as staff prepares for the final adoption of the 2015-16 budget. 

Staff will take input from this meeting, and prepare a final budget.  There will be a public hearing regarding the budget on Monday, June 15 at 9:00 AM.  The Board will be able to approve the budget at its meeting on Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 PM.

Budget Proposal Presentation
6.B. MCHS Master Schedule Update
Dr. Brett Geithman
Earlier this year, the Board of Trustees asked staff to report back on the master scheduling process at Mira Costa High School.  By this time of the year, Mira Costa staff have added all of the new courses approved by the Board, collected all student requests via online registration and assembled a master list of courses and the number of sections in each course.  

One of the goals of the MBUSD Board of Trustees is to have a student-driven master schedule.  Mira Costa staff have taken these requests and created a list of courses offered based solely on student requests.  Mira Costa staff will report on those requests and the resulting number of sections.

Another goal of the MBUSD Board of Trustees is to reduce the number of students taking classes in the 7 AM "Zero Period."  Mira Costa staff will report on the number of students who requested zero period, and the number of sections that will be offered not only at zero period, but at 5th and 6th periods as well.  The goal is to have fewer sections at zero period, significantly more academic sections offered at 5th period, and a few more academic sections offered at 6th period.

Finally, Mira Costa staff will report on the number of summer school sections being offered in each subject at the MBX summer school, and the potential impact of that on the master schedule.
8.A. Approve appointment of Jon Shaw and Don Morrow to serve as the CIF league representatives for the 2015-2016 school year.
Education Code 33353 (a) (1)), gives the authority for high school athletics to high school governing boards. The code also requires that the boards, after joining CIF, designate their representatives to CIF leagues. This is a necessity. Representatives of the boards are the only people who vote on issues at the league and section level, that impact athletics. If a governing board does not take appropriate action to designate representatives or this information is not given to Section offices within the required time frame, CIF is required to suspend voting privileges for the affected school.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is requested.
9.A. Approve request by MBMS 6th Grade GATE program to participate in an overnight experience on the U.S.S. Midway in San Diego on June 5 - 6, 2015.
Sixth grade students who attend MBMS and have been identified as gifted and talented have the opportunity to participate in an overnight experience on the U.S.S. Midway in San Diego. The purpose of this overnight experience is to provide GATE students with a rigorous academic program which complements and enriches the grade six science standards. Lessons have been designed to include critical and creative thinking activities standards. The 30 male and 30 female students, along with their chaperones (3 male and 3 female) will travel to San Diego via District-approved bus company. Two days of school will be missed, June 5 and 6. Scholarships will be provided. No cost will be borne by the District.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
Sixth Grade GATE Field Trip
9.B. Approve ratification of Manhattan Beach Middle School's 8th Grade GATE students to attend Fulcrum Learning System's Camp Hess Kramer's enrichment program on June 2 - 3, 2015.
Eighth grade GATE students have the opportunity to participate in an outstanding educational field trip and overnight experience at the Fulcrum Learning Systems' Camp Hess Kramer in Malibu, California, on June 2 - 3, 2015. While at the camp, the students will participate in activities that will focus on the character building traits of respect, courage, honesty, leadership and teamwork. The 30 male students and 30 female students will travel, along with their chaperones (3 male and 3 female), to the camp via District-approved charter bus company. Two days of school will be missed, June 2 and June 3. Scholarships will be provided. No cost will be borne by the District.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
Eighth Grade GATE Field Trip
9.C. Approve request by Mira Costa High School's counselors to attend a professional development opportunity hosted by Solution Tree in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 5 - 7, 2015.
Solution Tree delivers comprehensive professional development to school and districts around the world. Mira Costa Counselors, Keisha Fields, Eliza Santarosa, Dian Sieker, Quincy Howerton, Stacey Cabrera and Lisa Cook are requesting board permission to attend the Solution Tree hosted RTI conference in New Orleans on October 5 - 7, 2015. The premise of RTI is that schools should not delay providing help for struggling students until they fall far enough behind to qualify for special education, but instead should provide timely, targeted, and systematic interventions to all students who demonstrate the need. The counselors will learn how to create a tiered system of support, that includes core instruction, supplemental interventions, and intensive interventions.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
10. CONSENT CALENDAR - PERSONNEL - Mrs. Carolyn Seaton
10.A. Certificated Personnel Assignments, Orders, and Other Personnel Actions
Certificated Personnel Assignments, Orders, and Other Personnel Actions 06-03-15
10.B. Classified Personnel Assignments, Orders, and Other Personnel Actions
Classified Personnel Assignments, Orders, and Other Personnel Actions 6-03-15
10.C. Approve Educational Affiliation Agreement between California State University Long Beach and Manhattan Beach Unified School District
Section 4320 of the California Education Code allows the governing board of any school district to enter into agreements with a state college, the University of California, or any other university or college accredited by the State Board of Education as a teacher education institution, to provide teaching experience through student teaching to students enrolled in teacher training curricula. California State University Long Beach would like to enter into a student teaching agreement with the Manhattan Beach Unified School District from June 3, 2015, to June 30, 2018.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
Educational Affiliation Agreement with California State University Long Beach and Manhattan Beach Unified School District
11. CONSENT CALENDAR - BUSINESS SERVICES - Dr. Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard
11.A. Approve lease agreement with MBX.
For the coming summer, MBX is requesting to lease District facilities at Pacific Elementary School, Robinson Elementary School, Manhattan Beach Middle School, and Mira Costa High School for the purpose of conducting educational and physical fitness programs, including summer enrichment programs, high school summer educational classes, and other related uses.  MBX is a WASC-accredited summer school program.  The lease will be effective from June 22, 2015, through July 31, 2015.  The lease agreement is attached.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
Lease Agreement - MBX Summer Facilities
Lease Agreement - MBX Summer Facilities (Revised)
11.B. Approve purchase of iPads for MBMS.
In order to support the MBMS 1:1 iPad program and allow each MBMS student to have an iPad for use at school and at home, it is necessary to maintain an inventory of iPads that can be borrowed by 25% of MBMS students.  The current inventory is composed of iPad 2's, which are aging and which do not support some of the educational applications used for the instructional program at MBMS; this inventory needs to be replenished, as some devices are not working or repairable.  The purchase of 380 iPad Airs will provide updated devices which will allow full access to all applications for student users.  Remaining iPad 2's will be redeployed for short term borrowing when devices need to be repaired and for use at elementary sites.

Recommended Motion:
Approval is requested.
IPad Quote
11.C. Approve purchase of Chromebooks and Carts for MCHS Title I program.
Dr. Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard
In order to provide intervention support for Title I students at Mira Costa High School, staff would like to purchase Chromebooks and carts.  These items will allow the program to provide a 1:1 device to student ratio in MCHS Student Academic Support (SAS) classrooms.  Students will be able to use the devices to complete and submit homework and other school assignments and to be able to access electronic resources from within their classrooms, under the direct supervision of their teachers.  
Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
Quotation - Chromebooks and Carts (Title I)
11.D. Approve appropriation of year-end transfers within the 2014-15 budget.
At the end of each school year and just prior to closing the annual budget, some pending expenditures could require movement of funds from major object codes with positive ending balances. These transfers of funds are referred to as "appropriation transfers." 

With Board approval, Education Code 42601 allows the County Superintendent of Schools to make appropriation transfers necessary at the close of the school year, to permit payment of obligations incurred by the District, with the prior approval of the Board. Staff works diligently to ensure the appropriate amounts are allocated to the proper object codes in the budgets presented for Board review and approval, so this item is intended to be precautionary. 

Education Code 42601, is intended to provide districts with an additional safety net at the year's end to ensure that all of the district's incurred obligations are met. In the event any item was not accounted for within a particular object code (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000), staff is recommending the County be given approval to move funds between major object codes on an as needed basis. 

If approved by the Board, this action will not increase the budgeted amount in the approved budget, but rather re-distribute previously allocated funds. Any transfers between funds (Fund 01.0 - General Fund, Fund 13.0 - Cafeteria, Fund 21.0 - Bond Fund, Fund 25.0 - Developer Fees, Fund 40.0 - Capital Projects, Fund 63.0 - Enterprise Fund (Preschool), and Fund 73.0 - Retiree Benefit Fund) will be brought to the Board for separate approval.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the appropriation of transfers within the 2014-15 District budget, thereby granting authority for the County Superintendent of Schools to move funds between major object codes as needed, to balance the District budget at year-end. 

Year-End Appropriation Transfers
11.E. Ratify purchase orders to date.
Recommended Motion:
Ratification is requested.
Purchase Order Listing
12.A. Approve purchase of BoardDocsPro to replace Agenda Online.
Dr. Michael Matthews

Since the 2011-12 school year, MBUSD has been utilizing CSBA’s agenda online as a means of electronically developing and posting each and every board agenda.  The $2,500 annual cost has resulted in a much more transparent and publicly available agenda and background material.  It has also saved a significant amount of time, material and money that is no longer spent copying the full Board agenda.

Earlier this year, CSBA updated their system.  After analyzing the results of the update, staff is recommending that MBUSD move to a different online platform, BoardDocsPro.  This platform will result in easier access to materials by members of the public, staff and the Board.  It will also result in one platform that can host all records from previous Board meetings.

Recommended Motion:
Approval of purchase is requested.

BoardDocs Proposal
12.B. Approve 2015-2016 CSBA membership dues in the amount of $10,282.00, and membership in Education Legal Alliance, in the amount of $2,571.00, for a total of $12,853.00.
See attached letter and invoice from CSBA.  The second page outlines what our dollars have been used for in the past.

CSBA Invoice
12.C. Approve minutes of the regular Board meeting of May 6, 2015.
Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of May 6, 2015
12.D. Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy, 6162.54, Student Assessment.
Dr. Brett Geithman

Pursuant to Education Code 52060, as added by AB 97 (Ch. 47, Statutes of 2013), applicable statewide student assessments must be used as one of the measures of the district's annual goals for student achievement included in its local control accountability plan; see AR 0460 - Local Control and Accountability Plan. In addition, pursuant to Education Code 44662, evaluations of certificated staff must include an assessment of students' progress toward meeting district standards of expected student achievement at each grade level in each area of study and, if applicable, toward state standards as measured by state criterion-referenced assessments (i.e., assessments that test students' mastery of the content). However, Education Code 44662 does prohibit the use of publishers' norms established by standardized tests (i.e., assessments that compare students' performance to a representative sample of students) for the purpose of evaluating and assessing certificated staff performance. The use of student assessment results in staff evaluations may also be addressed in collective bargaining agreements or employment contracts. See BP/AR 4115 - Evaluation/Supervision and BP 4315 - Evaluation/Supervision.

Further, Education Code 52052, as amended by AB 97 (Ch. 47, Statutes of 2013), requires that schools and districts demonstrate comparable improvement in academic achievement by all "numerically significant" student subgroups, including ethnic subgroups, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, English learners, students with disabilities, and foster youth. A "numerically significant" subgroup is one that consists of at least 30 students, or 15 foster youth, with a valid test score.

Also related to state assessment and included in the revised policy is reference to Education Code 60607 which states that the Superintendent or designee must ensure that each student, by the end of grade 12, has an individual record of accomplishment that will include results of the state achievement tests or any predecessor assessments (AB 484 (Ch. 389, Statutes of 2013)).

Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy 6162.5, Student Assessment, has been updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 97, 2013) which requires that statewide assessments be used as one measure of the district's local control and accountability plan (LCAP) goals for student achievement and revises the definition of "numerically significant" student subgroups for which districts must demonstrate comparable improvement in academic achievement. This revision also reflects NEW LAW (AB 484, 2013) which replaces the Standardized Testing and Reporting program with the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and changes the content required for the individual record of accomplishment to include results of the CAASPP or any predecessor assessment.

Recommended Motion:

Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School Board Policy 6162.54, Student Assessment

Board Policy 6162.54 Student Assessment
12.E. Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy 6142.94, History-Social Science Instruction
Dr. Brett Geithman

Periodically technical revisions are necessary to make non-substantive changes in district policies, administrative regulations, or board bylaws based on renumbering of laws, changes in the coding of cross-referenced policies, or similar corrections in legal references, management resources, or cross-references.

 AB 484 (Ch. 489, Statutes of 2013) amended Education Code 60640-60649 to transition from the Standardized Testing and Reporting program to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CASPP). Currently the CASPP does not include an assessment of history-social science performance; however such an assessment may be added in the future. Other state, national, and district assessments also may provide data on history-social science performance that may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the district's instructional program. The following update reflects the non-substantive changes to MBUSD 6142.94 as amended by AB 484 (Ch. 489, Statutes of 2013).

Recommended Motion:
Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy 6142.94, History-Social Science Instruction.

Board Policy 6142.94 History Social Science Instruction
12.F. Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy 6163.1, Library Media Centers.
Dr. Brett Geithman

Education Code 18100 requires the Governing Board to provide library services for students and teachers by maintaining school libraries or contracting with another public agency. 

Pursuant to Education Code 18120, the Board may appoint one or more librarians to staff school libraries, provided they possess an appropriate credential issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) as required by Education Code 44868 and 5 CCR 80053. This may include a teacher librarian services credential issued since January 1, 2008 or a library media teacher services credential issued prior to that date. In addition, 5 CCR 80024.6 establishes requirements for an emergency teacher librarian services permit that may be issued when there is an insufficient number of qualified certificated persons to fill available positions.

AB 97 (Ch. 47, Statutes of 2013) eliminated the School and Library Improvement Block Grant (Education Code 41570-41573), which could be used to purchase school library resources and equipment conditional upon the adoption of a single plan for student achievement that incorporated a districtwide library plan. AB 97 also eliminated separate categorical funding for the State Instructional Materials Fund (Education Code 60240-60251.5), which could be used for the purchase of classroom library materials for grades K-4 provided that the district developed a districtwide plan for classroom libraries. Thus, districts may determine whether or not to develop a districtwide library plan and the process for developing such a plan.

            Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy 6163.1, Library Media Centers, has been updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 97, 2013) eliminating the School and Library Improvement Block Grant and State Instructional Materials Fund which could be used to purchase materials for school or classroom libraries contingent upon the development of a districtwide library plan. New language addresses the development of a library plan that is aligned with other district and school plans.

Recommended Motion:
Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School Board Policy 6163.1, Library Media Centers

Board Policy 6163.1 Library Media Centers
12.G. Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Bylaw 9230, Orientation.

Periodically technical revisions are necessary to make non-substantive changes in district policies, administrative regulations, or board bylaws based on renumbering of laws, changes in the coding of cross-referenced policies, or similar corrections in legal references, management resources, or cross-references.

To align the Superintendent’s responsibility with district’s authority the first paragraph of the revised bylaw, shown on page BB 9230 (a) has been updated to read:

“The Governing Board desires to provide Board candidates with orientation information that will enable them to understand the responsibilities and expectations of Board membership. The Superintendent or designee shall provide all candidates with general information about school programs, district operations, and Board responsibilities, and the County Election Official's contact information.”

Recommended Motion:
Approval is requested.
BB 9230, Orientation
12.H. Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Bylaw 9223, Filling Vacancies.

Periodically, technical revisions are necessary to make non-substantive changes in district policies, administrative regulations, or board bylaws based on renumbering of laws, changes in the coding of cross-referenced policies, or similar corrections in legal references, management resources, or cross-references.

In the section "Events Causing a Vacancy," shown on page BB 9223 (b), there is reference to a Board member’s refusal or neglect to file his/her required bond within a specified time.  As revised by Government Code 1770, this bond practice is no longer required, and, therefore the refusal or neglect to file as been eliminated under item #9 of that section.

Recommended Motion:
Adopt revised BB 9223, Filling Vacancies.
BB 9223, Filling Vacancies
12.I. Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified Board Policy 6172, Gifted and Talented Student Program. Review revised Manhattan Beach Unified Administrative Regulation 6172, Gifted and Talented Student Program.
Dr. Brett Geithman

AB 97 (Ch. 47, Statutes of 2013) eliminated categorical funding for Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE) (Education Code 52200-52212) and redirected that funding into the local control funding formula (LCFF). Thus, GATE program requirements are no longer applicable.           

MBUSD Board Policy 6172 has been updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 97, 2013) which eliminated categorical funding and requirements for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. The policy retains key concepts regarding the identification of gifted and talented students for specialized instructional programs, types of educational opportunities that may be offered to such students, and the participation of key stakeholders in program planning, implementation, and evaluation.

The supporting regulation has been revised to reflect NEW LAW (AB 97, 2013) which eliminated GATE requirements. It deletes definitions, requirement for a program plan with specified components, and appeals by parents/guardians when their child is not selected for the program. The regulation also has updated material on the identification of gifted and talented students to delete detailed requirement for evaluation by experts.


Recommended Motion:
Adopt revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Board Policy 6172, Gifted and Talented Student Program.  Review revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6172, Gifted and Talented Student Program. 

Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6172 Gifted and Talented Student Program
12.J. Review revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 5020, Parent Rights and Responsibilities.
Dr. Brett Geithman

Periodically minor revisions are necessary to make limited changes in district policies, administrative regulations, and board bylaws.  Although the changes are minor, the district should still use its normal adoption process to adopt the board policies and/or administrative regulations affected by these revisions.

AR 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities

In section "Parent/Guardian Rights," revise paragraph under item #8 as follows:

Parents/guardians may inspect, in a reasonable time frame, all primary supplemental instructional materials and assessments stored by the classroom teacher, including textbooks, teacher's manuals, films, tapes audio and video recordings, and software. (Education Code 49091.10)

Rationale: To more accurately reflect current law.

Recommended Motion:

Revise Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 5020, Parent Rights and Responsibilities.

Administrative Regulation 5020 Parent Rights and Responsibilities
12.K. Review revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 1220, Citizen Advisory Committees.

Pursuant to Government Code 54952, open meeting laws (the Brown Act) apply to any commission, committee, board, or other body created by formal action of the Governing Board, regardless of whether that body is permanent or temporary, decision-making or advisory.

In Frazer v. Dixon Unified School District, the court held that the adoption of a Board policy that required the appointment of a committee to advise the Superintendent, and in turn, the Board, was a committee created by "formal Board action" within the meaning of Government Code 54952. Therefore, the committee's meetings were subject to the Brown Act.

It should be noted that committees composed solely of Board members who are less than a quorum of the Board may be exempt from Brown Act requirements in limited circumstances; see BB 9130 - Board Committees.

Revised MBUSD Administrative Regulation 1220 updates the section on "Committees Subject to Brown Act Requirements" to include the local control and accountability plan (LCAP) parent advisory committee and English learner parent advisory committee. The section on "Committees Not Subject to Brown Act Requirements" has been revised to delete references to committees for certain categorical programs based on the redirection of categorical program funding into the local control funding formula (LCFF) and/or NEW LAW (SB 971) which repealed provisions of law requiring those committees.

Recommended Motion:
For review only.
AR 1220, Citizen Advisory Committees
12.L. Review Revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6145.2, Athletic Competition
Dr. Brett Geithman

No student shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be denied equivalent opportunity in, or otherwise be discriminated against in interscholastic, intramural, or club athletics on the basis of actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability, or any other basis specified in law.

5 CCR 4921 and 34 CFR 106.41 authorize the establishment of separate teams for males and females where the selection of teams is based on competitive skills. 34 CFR 106.41 also authorizes single-sex teams for contact sports, as defined. Because state regulations do not address single-sex teams for contact sports, the district will consult legal counsel prior to establishing any new single-sex team for a contact sport for which selection is not based on competitive skills.

Further, pursuant to Education Code 221.5, as amended by AB 1266 (Ch. 85, Statutes of 2013), a district is required to permit a transgender student to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his/her gender identity, regardless of the gender listed in the student's records; see BP/AR 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment. The California Interscholastic Federation's (CIF) bylaws and Guidelines for Gender Identity Participation contain procedures for addressing student complaints regarding gender identity-based participation in interscholastic sports.

 Beginning with the 2015-16 school year and every year thereafter, each school that offers competitive athletics must post on the school or district web site certain information about male and female participation in its athletic programs.  Education Code 221.9, as added by SB 1349 (Ch. 258, Statutes of 2014) defines a competitive sport as any sport that has a coach and a governing organization (i.e. CIF), practices and competes during a defined season, and has competition as its primary goal.

 MBUSD Administrative regulation 6145.2 is updated to reflect NEW LAW (SB 1349) which, beginning with the 2015-16 school year, requires each school that offers competitive athletics to post certain information about the participation of males and females in competitive athletics on its web site or, if the school does not have a web site, then on the district web site. The update also reflects NEW LAW (AB 2127) which limits full-contact practices by a middle or high school football team, and requires an athlete with a concussion to complete a gradual return-to-play protocol.

 An additional NEW LAW (AB 1266) included in the revision requires districts to permit a student to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and to use facilities consistent with the student's gender identity, regardless of his/her gender as listed on his/her educational records.

 Finally, the update reflects modified California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) bylaws which allow students to participate in interscholastic athletic programs consistent with their gender identity and CIF procedures for addressing student complaints regarding gender identity-based participation in interscholastic sports.

Recommended Motion:
Review Revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6145.2, Athletic Competition

AR 6145.2 Athletic Competition
12.M. Review Revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests
Dr. Brett Geithman

Education Code 60600-60649 establish the statewide student assessment system and, as amended by SB 858 (Ch. 32, Statutes of 2014) and AB 1599 (Ch. 327, Statutes of 2014), change the name of the assessment system to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).  In addition to the CAASPP tests, the district may, at its discretion and at its own expense, administer the tests from the state's former assessment system (the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program) through 2014-15 pursuant to Education Code 60640.  Administration of any such tests shall be subject to an agreement with the test contractor approved by the California Department of Education.

The CAASPP consists of the required assessments in Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium for English language arts and mathematics in grades 3-8 (with exceptions); science assessments at grades 5, 8, and 10, and optional use of a primary language assessment. For students with disabilities who are unable to take the tests listed above, the California Alternate Assessment in English language arts and mathematics and for the science assessment, either the California Alternate Performance or California Modified Assessment, in accordance with the student’s IEP. Pursuant to Education Code 60640, the State Board of Education is required to make recommendations by March 1, 2016, for expanding the assessment system to include additional subjects and assessment methods.

Pursuant to Education Code 60640 and 99300-99301, the CAASPP includes the Early Assessment Program (EAP) designed to assess the college readiness of students in grade 11 in English language arts and/or mathematics. Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, the EAP is no longer a separate augmented test but rather is included within the Smarter Balanced summative assessments.

MBUSD Administrative Regulation 6162.51 has been updated to reflect NEW LAW (SB 858 and AB 1599) which officially change the name of the state assessment system to the California Assessment Performance and Progress (CAASPP).  The changes also reflect the status of CAASPP testing for the 2014-15 school year, including field testing of a new alternative test of English language arts and mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities. 

In addition, the regulation has been revised in accordance with NEW TITLE 5 REGULATIONS (Register 2014, No.35) which establish testing windows, require parental notification related to exemption from testing, list allowable testing resources (i.e., universal tools, designated supports, accommodations) that may be used during test administration, and provide that, if test results are received from the test contractor after the last day of instruction for the school year, then the report must be disseminated to parents/guardians within the first 20 days of the next school year.

Recommended Motion:
Review Revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests
AR 6162.51 State Academic Achievement Tests
12.N. Review Revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6146.2, Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency.
Dr. Brett Geithman

Pursuant to Education Code 48412, the State Board of Education (SBE) will award a "certificate of proficiency" to persons who pass the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) established by the California Department of Education (CDE) to assess proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics skills.

Education Code 51420-51427 provide that persons may be awarded the California High School Equivalency Certificate by taking a general educational development test and receiving a score that is at least as high as that determined by the SBE to be equal to the standard of performance expected from high school graduates.

5 CCR 11530-11532, as amended by Register 2013, No. 39, delete the requirement to use only the General Educational Development (GED) test adopted by the General Educational Development Testing Service for the purpose of awarding a high school equivalency certificate. Subsequently, in March 2014, the SBE approved the use of three tests: the GED, the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) provided by the Educational Testing Service, and the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) provided by CTB/McGraw Hill.  Local testing centers will have the option to offer one or more of these tests. A list of test centers and testing dates (once in the fall and once in the spring) is available on the CHSPE web site. The CDE will keep a permanent record of the issuance of all certificates.

MBUSD Administrative Regulation 6146.2 has been updated to reflect NEW TITLE 5 REGULATIONS (Register 2013, No. 39) which delete the requirement that the State Board of Education (SBE) use only the General Educational Development (GED) test for the purpose of awarding the California High School Equivalency Certificate, and a subsequent action by the SBE (March 2014) designating three tests that may be used to earn the certificate: the GED, High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), and Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC).


Recommended Motion:
Review Revised Manhattan Beach Unified School District Administrative Regulation 6146.2, Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency.
AR 6146.2 Certificate of Proficiency High School Equivalency
13.A. LCAP Update
Draft LCAP Goals
13.B. Most Likely to Succeed - Sundance Film
13.C. MindUP Training
17.A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation - Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9. One potential case.
17.B. Public Employee Performance Evaluation, Superintendent of Schools, per Government Code Section 54957.
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for those requiring special assistance to access the Board meeting room, to access written documents being discussed at the Board meeting, or to otherwise participate at Board meetings, please contact the Board Secretary, Nancy Bogart, at 310-318-7345.

The resubmit was successful.